11 novembre 2010

IF - Afterwards

"Sono Rosario... che cìè Giorgio?". In ricordo delle citofonate del Martedi' mattina alle 11.07. Ispirazione a parte, sto pensando di realizzare una città in ceramica. Un grande quadro dove si svolgeranno scene di vita quotidiana, come questa. Vediamo un pò voti e commenti dei lettori, altrimenti lo faccio lo stesso.

2 commenti:

Redeker ha detto...

I don't know the words what you write and the translator gives really odd things...!
"They Rosario ... species that George? ". dellla citofomate In memory of Tuesday 'morning at 11.07. Inspiration aside, I'm thinking to build a city in ceramics. A big picture will take place where everyday scenes like this. Let's see some ratings and comments readers, otherwise I do the same."

But I like the art work!!

tubulidae ha detto...

Ahahha. I love google traslator. Anyway... i will explain what it means:
"I'm Rosario..... Giorgio is there?"
I have a friend (a strange guy) that every Thitsday come to my flat at 11.07 looking for me. He always pretends new music and movies. At the beginning I helped him but afterwaeds I started to hida myself into my room. That's all"
Finally, Thank you for your nice comment... I appreciate it